According to a range of studies, 40-60% of new managers fail or underperform within their first 2 years on the job!
It's shocking, and it hurts! Yet, I see the reality of this way too often.
Managers who underperform obviously miss opportunities for career growth, raises, and promotions which hurts financially...
But what's even worse is that their self-confidence drops to the floor and they might start thinking about giving up that dream of reaching the C-Suite one day.
And that's what's so hard!
Because the truth is that the problem is not the manager.
The reason all this is happening is that the vast majority of new managers never receive the leadership training they desperately need.
“The activities that made you a successful individual contributor yesterday LOOK NOTHING LIKE the activities that will make you successful as a manager today.”
(a quote by Kim Scott, best-selling author of Radical Candor and former executive at Google & Apple)
So making small tweaks to how you manage or watching LinkedIn Learning courses here or there will never create the actual transformation and mindset shift you need to step into your power, have a real impact, and lead yourself and your team with confidence.
But as a first-time manager, you don't know what you don't know yet - and without a mentor to guide you, what you don't know can really hurt you!